The aim of this website is to share expertise and experience on health care systems with policy makers, managers of health services, health care providers and health system researchers. The website is a product of a network Switching International Health Policies and Systems (SWHIPS).The articles are publisher versions or author versions, depending on the archiving policies of the publishers. Of all articles, the copyright remains with the editor or author, respectively. Contact us:

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Global Health Governance

"There is little doubt that synergies exist between health systems and the GHIs. But are these synergies being vigorously exploited by all stakeholders to ensure maximum, mutual added value? Or are new opportunities for improved public health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries being missed?"

We study the link between the Global Health Initiatives (GHI) and the national health systems. We try to pin out synergies and inefficiencies. It is obvious that increased funding over the last years allowed to increase for example the number of patients on Anti Retroviral treatment or the number of children vaccinated. But did we achieve the best we could? Do we have the best health aid architecture? Are the rights of the beneficiaries sufficiently respected?

We also promote the participation of experts from the South in this debate and share expertise in a virtual discussion group

To increase awareness among experts we share a weekly newsletter on issues around global health governance.

We present a number of key articles to inform you about the ongoing debates: